Pet Loss Library

Our Pet Loss Library features articles written by grief professionals that will address many of the questions you may have when dealing with the loss of a pet. It also contains articles and stories from others who have experienced a similar loss.

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Pet Loss Articles


by Linda J. Austin Most people think that caregivers take care of people. That's not always the case. I was almost asleep Tuesday night when I heard an unfamiliar sound. I thought perhaps it was the cat or a squirrel in the barn. The scraping, bumping continued. I...

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Stories About Pet Loss

Love for Lizzie

By Lynne My cat Lizzie was a truly unique cat. She acted like a dog, in that she ran to you if you called, she followed you or strangers down the sidewalk, visited the neighbors, she followed commands, and jumped from the ground into my arms. She was very vocal, and...

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Ask the Experts

When will grief end?

by Kitty Walker, LMSW-ACP Dear Kitty, On January 1, 2001, I had to take my best friend of 15+ years for the last ride of her precious life. Making the decision to put her to sleep was the HARDEST thing I've ever had to do. I am a Paramedic Firefighter and I'm around...

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